Prohibited Materials

Posted on 2024-02-27 Updated on 2024-03-08

Dear Our Beloved Customer,

In this page you will find all Prohibited Materials & items you cannot ship with SkyWay Express Company

Items Banned in Iraq

Iraq does not allow certain items to be imported into the country. We are unable to ship the

following items, which are banned according to IRAQ customs laws:

  • Telescopes and GPS Devices.
  • Medications are also totally prohibited.
  • Sexual and adults’ toy.
  • Food and items that need to be refrigerated.
  • Alcohol drinkable items.
  • Real gold and diamonds and other Gemstones.
  • Lithium batteries
  • Lasers or any device contain lasers.
  • Highly flammable materials like perfume contain high percent of alcohol.
  • Seeds not more than 2 packets in one shipment.
  • Supplement not more than 3 pieces in one shipment.
  • Any device contains hidden camera or spy camera or watches or pens contain camera.
  • Medical devices or any devices need special paper in customs.
  • Weapons like guns and Explosives material and any sharp items.
  • Drones and all types of quad copters.
  • Others (contact costumer service)

Our Shipping Partners

For an Extensive List please check below Links depending on the Service Provider of your choice


DHL Import Restrictions


FedEx Import Restrictions


UPS Import Restrictions


Aramex – Prohibited Items

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